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"Highly recommend Eastern at home service"

About: Angliss Hospital

(as the patient),

Recently I had the use of Eastern at home service.

Was in the Anglis Hospital for 24 hours and then because of this service was able to

complete my antibiotic infusion at home.

I found the nurses professional and pleasant in their interaction with me.

I was not ill in myself so being able to be treated at home freed up a hospital bed for

a more urgent patient.

I would thoroughly recommend this service.

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Response from Alan Lilly, Chief Executive, Eastern Health 8 years ago
Alan Lilly
Chief Executive,
Eastern Health
Submitted on 3/05/2016 at 11:38 AM
Published on Care Opinion at 2:11 PM

picture of Alan Lilly

Dear Home Service

Thank you so much for sharing your story on Patient Opinion. It's always great to receive feedback like yours and I will have great pleasure in passing this on to the Eastern@Home Team members and the management group too.

Being able to provide acute care at home is indeed one of our goals and something we need to do even more of in the future, given our ageing population. Our Ambulatory & Community Services program has around 800 face to face or telephone contacts every day focused on enabling people to stay and be cared for in the comfort and safety of their own home and your story is a great advertisement for it - thank you.

I do hope that you are continuing your recovery back to good health and do let us know if we can help you any further.

Kind regards and many thanks, Alan Lilly.

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