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"Surgeries being cancelled"

About: Ipswich Hospital

(as the patient),

I originally had been scheduled to have oral surgery, but about 2 weeks before the surgery I received a phone call advising me that because the Theatre upgrades were not completed on schedule, that my surgery had been cancelled and was re-booked for another time. Then I received yet another phone call advising me that the surgeon has decided to go away for other work for a few weeks, maybe longer and that as a result my intended surgery has been cancelled yet again. I want to know why the surgeon concerned could not advise staff not to book any appointments or surgery from a certain date, and why the surgeon is unable to take care of their commitments to the Ipswich Hospital and their patients before going off to do other work elsewhere. I have been trying to get this surgery done for a number of years now, and have always been fobbed off by the system. I have been unable to eat properly and my general overall health has suffered significantly as a result, with me suffering from lack of energy because I can not eat properly, as well as significant weight loss. How can the Ipswich Hospital allow the said surgeon to clear their calendar by simply cancelling their surgical duties, and then allow them to just jaunt off at the drop of a hat. What happened to the surgeon's duty of care to their patients?

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Response from Joy Wyatt, Senior Consumer Liaison Officer, Clinical Governance, Queensland Health - West Moreton 8 years ago
Joy Wyatt
Senior Consumer Liaison Officer, Clinical Governance,
Queensland Health - West Moreton
Submitted on 10/02/2016 at 11:12 AM
Published on Care Opinion at 11:17 AM

Dear Irate and let down again,

We are really concerned to hear you are in pain and your overall health is suffering because you require surgery.

We would like to help you access the care you need, so please contact the Consumer Liaison Service as soon as possible on 0409 275 503. Please be assured your call would be welcome and we are sincere in our offer of assistance.

At West Moreton we welcome and value consumer feedback because it helps us to review and improve the services we provide to patients, their families and our community. As such, thank you for taking the time to share your concerns with us.

Kind regards

Consumer Liaison Service

West Moreton Hospital and Health Service


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