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"My child's accident"

About: Broome Health Campus / Emergency Department

(as a parent/guardian),

My child had hit their head and needed stitches. The triage nurse "Scotty" and the two doctors who cared for my child were amazing. My child now wants to be a doctor.

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Response from Maureen Crowther, Patient Opinion Cordinator, Nursing, WA Country Health Service 8 years ago
Maureen Crowther
Patient Opinion Cordinator, Nursing,
WA Country Health Service

Currently rolling out patient opinion across the Kimberley

Submitted on 19/01/2016 at 12:45 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 1:07 PM

picture of Maureen Crowther

Dear Panda

Thankyou for sharing your story on Patient Opinion.

It is a very frightening moment when you child hits their head and requires stitches.

Hospital can be a scary place for a child and big people too!

It is reassuring to see the staff recognise this and do their best to provide comfort and reassurance.

I will pass on your comments to Scotty and the staff.

I hope your child is making a speedy recovery and I will look forward to hearing about Doctor Panda in the future!

Kind Regards

Maureen Crowther

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