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"Looking forward to a bright future for myself and my son"

About: Lives Lived Well

(as the patient),

Last year was a very dark place for my son and me, we had lost a lot and had gone through a lot of heartache. Myself included, I had gone through a violent divorce and had dealt with a lot from my father mentally and physically while being his carer. I had a bad dependency on pot and felt like it was the only thing that kept me happy. My son had started on a path that was destructive to his life but also to his education. After my first visit with Lives Lived Well I had a better understanding of what I needed to accomplish with myself but also with my son. They have helped us so much in so many different ways. I feel like they care and give great advice and support xx I don't know where I would be without the help that has been given. I find all the staff to have amazing attitudes without ever feeling judged with the past actions of my life. I am so grateful with everything and everyone: ) and look forward to a bright future for myself and my son. Thank you to everyone who has stood by me an my son. Forever in you're debt xxx

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Response from Brian O'Neill, Clinical Director, Lives Lived Well 9 years ago
Brian O'Neill
Clinical Director,
Lives Lived Well
Submitted on 27/11/2015 at 11:32 AM
Published on Care Opinion at 3:26 PM

picture of Brian O'Neill

Dear Tuzzie,

As someone who has managed domestic and family violence services I have some insight into the struggle you would have undergone. And as you say it isn't just for you it's also for your son. And it takes courage to leave - well done.

I know, work with and supervise many of the senior staff and I know exactly what you mean - they are good, caring people who do the job because it is "in them" to do it.

I know they will greatly appreciate and be inspired by your comments - I know I am as clinical director.

Many thanks for taking the time to write.

All the best


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