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"I was put at ease immediately"

About: Broome Health Campus / Medical Imaging

(as the patient),

I had two positive experiences recently at the Medical Imaging Unit service. The service provision was exceptionally speedy and helpful. I arrived early for my appointments and was seen ahead of schedule. The service was quick, I was put at ease immediately and dealt with by professional and friendly staff. Most impressed!

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Response from David Gaskell, Regional Medical Director, Medical, WA Country Health Service 9 years ago
David Gaskell
Regional Medical Director, Medical,
WA Country Health Service

As well as being a practising clinician, I oversee the quality and safety of medical services delivered by WACHS doctors to healthcare consumers across the Kimberley

Submitted on 18/11/2015 at 4:38 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 6:05 PM

picture of David Gaskell

Dear Miss Ultra

Many thanks for engaging with us at WACHS-Kimberley through Patient Opinion. Yours is our first online story so it's great receive such positive feedback!

We are delighted to know that your experience of staff at Broome Hospital's Medical Imaging Dpt and the quality of the service you received there was good. I will feed this back personally to the staff who cared for you.

With my best wishes

David Gaskell

Dr David Gaskell

Regional Medical Director

WA Country Health Services - Kimberley

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