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"Multicap carers have done a wonderful job"

About: Multicap

(as a relative),

My sibling is a "different" case being that they are 100% totally dependent for all of their needs from others. Multicap has fully supported all my sibling's needs since the 90's and before that with their day centre, having been there since day one - how it's grown.

My sibling's care needs are difficult as they cannot communicate, but Multicap carers have done a wonderful job in ensuring my sibling is safe, comfortable, well fed, attends some activities which suit them and just giving them respect and care.

Thanks for the opportunity to thank Multicap publicly.

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Response from Jon Mewett, Regional Manager - North Coast, Disability Services, Multicap 9 years ago
Jon Mewett
Regional Manager - North Coast, Disability Services,
Submitted on 2/11/2015 at 3:10 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 5:19 PM

Hello and thank you for sharing your experiences of Multicap with us all.

It is fantastic to hear that Multicap have been able to assist your sibling to achieve such positive individual outcomes throughout the many years we have been connected.

At Multicap we assist many individuals with high and complex needs to achieve their own life aspirations and understand that in doing so we enhance the quality of life for the person and their family.

Multicap appreciate your kind words and look forward to continuing our partnership together.



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