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"Thank you to the great staff at Angliss Emergency Department"

About: Angliss Hospital / Emergency Department

(as a carer),

My spouse came into the Emergency Department a few weeks ago with a suspected fractured wrist. I just wanted to say thanks to the great staff there. We were seen quickly and the doctors and nurses told us who they were and kept us informed. They even printed out an information sheet when we were leaving so we knew what had happened and what we had to do next.

What I particularly loved though was the volunteer who I met in the waiting room restocking information on the walls and who later on made me a cup of tea. It really made a difference - thank you!

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Response from Alan Lilly, Chief Executive, Eastern Health 9 years ago
Alan Lilly
Chief Executive,
Eastern Health
Submitted on 26/10/2015 at 5:52 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 5:59 PM

picture of Alan Lilly

Dear Lulabelle

Many thanks for sharing your story on Patient Opinion and what a great story too! I was so pleased to read about your experience with Eastern Health and the wonderful care and service you received whilst at the Angliss Hospital. I will have great pleasure passing on your feedback to our staff and volunteers who are sure to get a real boost in their day following receipt of your kind and generous feedback.

Your story is also a great reminder to us all about what matters to patients and their families - timely care, effective communication and a focus on the things that matter, like the cup of tea.

I hope that your spouse is continuing to do well too and thanks again for getting in touch.

Kind regards, Alan Lilly.

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