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"My experience at Maroondah Hospital was pleasant and comfortable"

About: Maroondah Hospital Mitcham Private Hospital

(as the patient),

A few months ago I was diagnosed with some nasties in my right breast, which followed a stream of doctors' and hospital visits. I ended up having a right breast biopsy at Mitcham Private Hospital on the advice of my doctor. I ended up with severe bruising, which I thought would be expected. This led to the removal of a lump at Maroondah Hospital.

Recently there was some questionable calcification in the left breast which led to a core biopsy at Maroondah Hospital. WOW! what a difference, Sue took me under her wing with outstanding compassion, where I was led to see Lynette who was so gentle with me. I then had the biopsy performed by the most gentlest & professional of doctors. My experience with Maroondah not only was pleasant and comfortable but there was bruising the size of a 5 cent coin.

Score board is up Maroondah 1.....Mitcham Private 0.

Thank you to all the staff at Maroondah.

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Response from Alan Lilly, Chief Executive, Eastern Health 9 years ago
Alan Lilly
Chief Executive,
Eastern Health
Submitted on 14/09/2015 at 12:44 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 12:58 PM

picture of Alan Lilly

Dear Smee30

Thank you for sharing your story on Patient Opinion. I am so pleased that you have had a good experience at Maroondah Hospital and sharing your story on Patient Opinion is a great way to "spread the word" and maintain public confidence in the services we provide. I will be sure to pass your feedback onto our staff and their managers and I know they will be very happy ro read your story as it reinforces the things that matter most.

I hope that you are continuing your recovery. I recall that you have posted previously too so thanks again smee30 for your supportive feedback, it is greatly appreciated.

kind regards, Alan Lilly

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