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"As a nurse, being a patient brings to home how very frightening surgery can be"

About: Geelong Private Hospital

(as the patient),

I had an experience as a day stay patient going to surgery. As a nurse, being a patient brings to home how very frightening this can be. What made the difference was nursing staff checking on me and simple things attended to like a pillow adjusted and a warm blanket, then of course something to eat when I was allowed.

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Response from Eloise Cann, DON, Geelong Private Hospital 9 years ago
Eloise Cann
Geelong Private Hospital
Submitted on 21/08/2015 at 2:25 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 4:18 PM

Good afternoon nursept,

Thank you for your feedback regarding your recent Day Stay experience. I can certainly agree that as a health professional, it can be very confronting when you find yourself "on the other side of the fence".

It's wonderful to hear that the staff here at Geelong Private Hospital were able to put you at ease and make your experience as pleasant as possible.

Thanks again for taking the time to post your story.


Eloise Cann Director of Nursing Geelong Private Hospital

Cnr Bellerine & Ryrie Sts,Geelong Vic 3220
T (03) 5226 1690| M 0412132 934


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