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"Left waiting in the emergency department at Ipswich Hospital"

About: Ipswich Hospital / Emergency Department

(as the patient),

I attended this hospital with moderate tending (sometimes) to severe abdominal pain (I put off seeing a doctor for 3 days but the pain and nausea became worse). With a current Pulmonary Embolism,I was asked to take a seat and wait to see someone. I was given medication for nausea a couple of hours later and took my own pain relief when I could stomach it.

I waited for over 5hrs and in that time only saw 2 patients treated and most left due to the extensive wait. Some mothers had young children, a toddler and another preschool aged child both seemed so restless and exhausted in the early hours of the morning so the parents left without being seen.

I had asked on several occasions for pain relief and was told they would talk to the doctor and let me know but didn't once let me know or tell me why the wait was so long until another person asked how long it will take and a staff member replied at least an hour because we have no beds. Patients were sleeping on the seats waiting to be seen and 80% walked out.

It is disgraceful that an emergency department doesn't have the room to take care of sick people and the staff I saw apparently don't seem to care and see how people are feeling while waiting, at least letting them know what is happening.

I was hesitant to come back to this department as I waited too long last time when they didn't take my PE pain seriously passing it off as muscular pain. Something needs to change, no point upgrading the emergency department and not having enough beds all the time!

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Response from West Moreton Health Service, West Moreton Hospital and Health Service 9 years ago
West Moreton Health Service
West Moreton Hospital and Health Service
Submitted on 15/07/2015 at 11:31 AM
Published on Care Opinion at 11:40 AM

Dear myangel

We were sorry to hear that you have been unwell. We understand that it is very frustrating to wait for 5 hours to be seen especially when you are in pain and feeling nauseous. We were most disappointed to hear that you didn't feel supported, or attended to, during your time in the waiting room. We have passed your feedback onto our emergency room team, as we know they will want to review how this may have happened so we get this important time right for all our patients. We would like to encourage you to contact us directly so that we can provide specific answers and support around your specific care.

We are doing our best to make sure that our patients wait as little as possible but sometimes it is unavoidable as was the case on the days you came to see us. We agree that we should have done a better job in communicating this to you and trying to relieve your physical discomfort while you were waiting.

We are very keen to hear from you and would strongly encourage you to contact our Consumer Liaison Officers (Joy or Sandy) on 3810 1111 during business hours or you can email us at

Thank you for taking the time to share your concerns with us on the Patient Opinion website. Feedback such as yours helps us understand where we can make a difference in our services.

Kind regards

Consumer Liaison Service

West Moreton Hospital and Health Service

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