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"Kitchen staff very helpful at Geelong Private Hospital."

About: Geelong Private Hospital

(as a volunteer/advocate),

Diabetic patient having had lap banding initially found it uncomfortable with diet sheets etc., but now that hospital kitchen is aware of their needs, things are looking up. As a consumer consultant visiting who regularly visits patients, this patient reported that the kitchen staff were very helpful in regard to their special diet requirements.

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Response from Eloise Cann, DON, Geelong Private Hospital 9 years ago
Eloise Cann
Geelong Private Hospital
Submitted on 23/03/2015 at 7:56 PM
Published on Care Opinion on 24/03/2015 at 3:06 PM

Hi minister,

Thanks for posting this feedback. Here at Geelong Private we understand that all of our patients have varying needs. It's great to hear that we have been able to tailor our care to the specific needs of this patient. As this story shows, it's not just nurses that offer care, but every single staff member at Geelong Private Hospital.

Eloise Cann

Director of Nursing

Geelong Private Hospital

Cnr Bellerine & Ryrie Sts, Geelong Vic 3220

T (03) 5226 1690| M 0412 132 934


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