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"Newly found culture"

About: IUIH (Brisbane North PHN)

(as the patient),

I found Jane (co-ordinator) very professional and extremely helpful in all ways. I only recently found out about my Aboriginal background and I am very thankful for the help I have been given. It has made me feel a worthy person and a new outlook on my life ahead. I feel I have someone who is interested in me and my health and I am extremely grateful for I. U. I. H and T. A. R. H. S.

Thank you.

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Response from Metro North Brisbane Medicare Local 9 years ago
Submitted on 6/03/2015 at 10:58 AM
Published on Care Opinion at 3:26 PM

Dear Worthyperson,

Thanks for taking the time to post a story about your experience of the Care Coordination and Supplementary Services program. It’s great to hear that the support from your Care Coordinator, Jane and the IUIH has been helpful and made a difference in your life.

Continue to embrace your newly found cultural ties and we wish you the best with your health. We really appreciate hearing this important feedback.

Kind Regards,

Metro North Brisbane Medicare Local.

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