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"Parent in late 70's who has experienced unbearable pain with colonoscopy "

About: Royal Adelaide Hospital / Colorectal surgery

(as a parent/guardian),

Parent with multiple health issues needs regular colonoscopy. 2012 experienced extreme discomfort with procedure. 2013 excruciating pain with procedure- feeling all that was done incl all polyps surgery and commenting on feeling the trainee being quite rough. My mother agrees that she is capable of suffering considerable pain-but this was too much. I gather she was squeezing the nurses hand. I think some extra medication may have been given but it did not help.

My mother broke down days later in her GP's office over this - and the GP said never go back there. Unfortunately due to her age the private system will not treat her because of health issues so she needs to return- I am insisting the GP speaks to Unit prior to the procedure and I sincerely hope that another traumatic event is avoided. I will ensure a wheelchair is available this time following the procedure.

No person needs to be put through this. I have had them only in private hosp. and have had no problems, so what is going on. By the way I am a nurse and am extremely disappointed In her treatment to say the least.

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