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"I think the doctor at Boonah Hospital should have x-rayed my wrist to be sure is was not broken."

About: Boonah Health Service Logan Hospital

(as the patient),

A couple of weeks ago I came off a quad bike and landed on my wrist, the following day being Sunday I visited the Boonah Hospital to get it checked out as it was quite sore and I decided that something was not quite right.

It seemed to me that the doctor on duty decided that it was fine and did not require an x-ray as it would come back normal.

Well yesterday I decided that it was still not getting any better so went to a local doctor in Logan who sent me for an x-ray which showed a small fracture, he has referred me to the fracture clinic at Logan hospital, when I went there this morning I was sent to emergency as there was no appointment, the doctor there has put it in a half cast until the fracture centre call me with an appointment. Now I am unable to work at all and am unsure if they can even fix it as it was over 2 weeks ago, being casual this means no work no income.

I would really like to know why it seems that the doctor at the Boonah hospital would not bother to x-ray to be sure? ? , I feel that if he had I would be well on the way to recovery by now.

I need this sorted asap so that I can go back to work

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Response from West Moreton Health Service, West Moreton Hospital and Health Service 10 years ago
West Moreton Health Service
West Moreton Hospital and Health Service
Submitted on 16/04/2014 at 9:13 AM
Published on Care Opinion at 1:37 PM


Dear Cannot Work:

Thank you for making contact and drawing our attention to the concerns you have with your diagnosis and treatment at the Boonah Hospital Emergency Department. We were sorry to hear that you felt that you did not receive adequate treatment and that you are still unable to work.

We would like to speak to you so that we can provide some assistance. Could you please contact the Consumer Liaison Officer on 3810 111 or the Director of Nursing at Boonah hospital on 5463 3300.

Thank you for taking time to use Patient Opinion. Feedback such as yours helps us understand where we can make a difference in our services.

Kind regards


Consumer Liaison Service

West Moreton Hospital and Health Service


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