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"Over diagnosed at a Private Emergency Dental clinic in Liverpool"

About: Dentists in the Fowler Electoral District

(as the patient),

When my broken arm healed I accidentally over brushed my teeth as I had poor control of the arm. I exposed one nerve in a top tooth and two nerves in bottom teeth. I sought after hours dental care in an emergency dental clinic in Liverpool. The initial examination I felt was good and included x-rays. I understood what the matter was. The dentist however sent the assistant out of the room and while she was gone kept on examining my mouth and touching the sore gums. He indicated I would need extensive dental work, said I had gingivitis and would need to have a scale and clean before any dental work. I saw my own dentist a few days later who said the nerves would settle in their own time, I didn't have gingivitis and that a simple Colgate mouthwash, available for less than $12 would help resolve the issue.

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