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"Was my mother discharged too early from Ipswich Hospital. "

About: Ipswich Hospital Ipswich Hospital / Emergency Department

(as a relative),

My mother was admitted to the hospital, seemingly very sick with pneumonia and a chest infection as well as a urinary track infection. The doctors and nurses that saw my mother in emergency were great, advised we were lucky that we had bought her in when we did as she was really sick. Mum was in the hospital for four days, still, we believe, quite ill and very weak and we understand that they decided to send her home. Seemingly, she was made to pack her own things up and walk down very long corridors to a waiting room with the nurse that was with her telling her not to stop but to keep moving. When I rang to see how she was mum informed me that she was in the waiting room waiting to be picked up, but no one, it seems, had been contacted. I arranged for my sister to go and get her a couple of hours later as she was at work and closer than me. The hospital told us that they were going to organise home assistance by sending a doctor and nurse but it doesn't seem that this happened. I have called the hospital and am waiting on a return phone call to advise what is the go. It appears to me that my Mother is still not well and we have been going over every day but it seems she is not improving. Should I readmit her, as her doctor did not even pick up that she had Pneumonia.

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Response from West Moreton Health Service, West Moreton Hospital and Health Service 10 years ago
West Moreton Health Service
West Moreton Hospital and Health Service
Submitted on 27/02/2014 at 4:51 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 5:38 PM

Dear Retroma,

We were pleased to hear that your mother had a positive experience in the Emergency Department but were sorry to hear that you had concerns around the circumstances of her discharge and the follow up care plan. From what you have described it sounds like you have some valid concerns and we would very much like to address them. All of our patients are important to us and feedback such as yours helps us understand where we can make a difference in our services.

Your post states that your mother is still not well and that you are waiting on a phone call from the hospital. Could you please contact the Consumer Liaison Officer on 3810 1826 or 0409 275 503 so that we may follow up on your concerns.

Thank you for taking time to use Patient Opinion.

Kind regards

West Moreton Hospital and Health Service

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