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"Home and Community Care (Burnie Brae Centre)"

About: Burnie Brae Centre

(as a service user),

I am so happy and grateful to have someone to clean the house since I had my knee replacement. My helper is such a lovely person, seems happy to have a chat with me, and a good worker.

I think she is unhappy because I rang last week to cancel this week's clean as I'd thought I'd still be in hospital, but was discharged earlier than expected. I was happy that she came, but had I still been in hospital, she would have arrived here at her usual time and I would not have been here.

Apparently this is the second time it has happened to her, so it appears there is obviously a lack of communication at Burnie Brae, asking her to drive to homes where there has been a cancellation but no-one seems to have informed her. This may be happening to other cleaners, so there is a problem which I think has to be fixed.

Hoping all will be well soon. Thank you for providing me with this cleaning service.

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Response from Metro North Brisbane Medicare Local 11 years ago
We have made a change
Submitted on 6/08/2013 at 10:46 AM
Published on Care Opinion at 1:29 PM

Dear Nia,

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback on the services we provide to you.

I am delighted to hear the services and worker are meeting your expectations.

On the question of communication of cancellations with the workers I agree that it is extremely important that proper procedures are in place.

We have as a result of your feedback modified our client management software to add an additional checking process for changes to rosters that will double check notification to workers. We believe this will ensure this doesn’t happen again.

Again Nia, thankyou for your feedback. I am so pleased we are able to work together to ensure the best outcomes for all our clients.

Best wishes,

Burnie Brae.

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