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"Appointment at GP After Hours Clinic"

About: West Moreton-Oxley Medicare Local

(as a parent/guardian),

This is a positive story re a visit to the After Hours Clinic at Ipswich Hospital. I had to attend this Clinic with my daughter who is in her early 30s as she had had an adverse reaction to some anti-depressant medication she had been given by her GP a few days prior. She saw a young doctor who neither of us knew but we were both very impressed with his professionalism and care he took explaining things to us both. This was very much appreciated.

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Response from Sharon Blacka, Practice Manager for Ipswich GP After Hours, Ipswich GP After Hours, WMOML 11 years ago
Sharon Blacka
Practice Manager for Ipswich GP After Hours, Ipswich GP After Hours,
Submitted on 25/06/2013 at 11:45 AM
Published on Care Opinion on 28/02/2014 at 5:27 PM

Dear SW,

Thank you so very much for taking the time to share your story about your daughter's treatment at the GP After Hours Clinic. It is always stressful when our family becomes unwell and I am pleased that you found our doctor to be helpful in this difficult time. I hope your daughter is improving and her medications have been sorted out. It is always helpful for us to know that the service our clinic doctors provide is helping the public. Thank you again for sharing your thoughts.

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