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"Healthy lifestyle program"

About: Healthy Lifestyle Program (Murrumbidgee Medicare Local) Rural Primary Health Service (Murrumbidgee Medicare Local)

(as a service user),

I am a 64 year old diabetic type 2 and I got slack because I am lazy and don't cook properly because I live on my own. I am going to do at home what we talk about at the meeting

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Response from Cate Creswick, Executive Officer, Murrumbidgee Medicare Local 11 years ago
Cate Creswick
Executive Officer,
Murrumbidgee Medicare Local
Submitted on 3/06/2013 at 11:13 AM
Published on Care Opinion on 4/06/2013 at 9:28 AM

Thank you for your feedback. We’re glad you’re able to convert the information presented in the sessions into practice in your everyday life. Well done! Good luck on your continuing health journey.

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