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"Rude and unprofessional staff"

About: King Edward Memorial Hospital / Gynaecology

(as the patient),

I was refered to the genetics clinic at KEMH in Perth as I have a genetic condition and was considering having children. The genetic councellor was lovely and seemed well informed and very happy to help. The consultant was not, I thought his demeanor was rude, he appeared bored and I felt he talked down to me. I thought the appointment would at the very least increase my knowledge about my condition it did not, in fact I felt I had more knowledge of the genetics of my condition than the consultant. I feel sorry for all the other patients that will have to deal with this man.

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Response from Graeme Boardley, Director Midwifery, Nursing and Patient Support Services, Women and Newborn Health Service, King Edward Memorial Hospital 7 years ago
Graeme Boardley
Director Midwifery, Nursing and Patient Support Services, Women and Newborn Health Service,
King Edward Memorial Hospital
Submitted on 19/10/2017 at 10:09 AM
Published on Care Opinion on 23/10/2017 at 5:48 PM

picture of Graeme Boardley

Dear GeneticWorries,

Thank you for voicing your concern that you felt a consultant did not treat you with due respect when you had a meeting with them at our Genetics clinic. As you stated, rudeness or talking down to patients is not acceptable by anyone. It is very important that patients let us know when they see something of concern.

Please accept my sincere apologies that you were made to feel like this and it is noted that you thought that the consultant did not give you the information you needed in regards to your genetic condition.

I am pleased to hear that you felt the genetic counsellor was kind and informed. We will use your feedback to improve the patient experience in our genetics clinic.

Noting that your experience with the service was some time ago, I wish you well and please be reassured that I will discuss your comments with our staff to bring your experience and concerns to their attention and continue to strive to do better.

Kind regards,

Graeme Boardley

A/ Executive Director

Women and Newborn Health Service

King Edward Memorial Hospital

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