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"Valued Primary Health Care Nurse, Temora (N.S.W.)"

About: Murrumbidgee Medicare Local

(as a service user),

Libby is our Primary Health care Nurse and valued in our community. Always seems happy to chat about any health/wellbeing concerns anyone may have. Libby runs a Tai Chi class for the elderly which they just rave about and also a monthly Womens Health Gathering at the local Coffee House for women of all ages. In my opinion these meetings are so beneficial. Libby appears to have a way of making everyone feel so comfortable and willing to chat about their concerns which I think allows people to learn something new each time. An asset to our area! Thanks Libby

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Response from Cate Creswick, Executive Officer, Murrumbidgee Medicare Local 11 years ago
Cate Creswick
Executive Officer,
Murrumbidgee Medicare Local
Submitted on 10/04/2013 at 8:05 PM
Published on Care Opinion on 11/04/2013 at 8:51 AM

Thank you for sharing your story about our primary health care nurse, Libby, who provides health promotion services to local communities. We are pleased that the service is so valuable in your community. Your comments have been passed onto Libby and her Manager.

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