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"Quick response for my child."

About: West Moreton-Oxley Medicare Local

(as a relative),

I have got a quick response of my child's condition (high temp) and was recommended by the ambulance instead of going to hospital

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Response from All Care Inala Medical Centre (after hours) 11 years ago
All Care Inala Medical Centre (after hours)
Submitted on 17/04/2013 at 2:22 PM
Published on Care Opinion on 28/02/2014 at 5:07 PM

Dear After Hours patient,

Thank you for taking the time to give us feedback.

We are glad the Dr was able to help your child’s condition in an urgent time. The Dr takes great pride in their job and treats every patient with great care. Having a child with high temperature, especially in the middle of the night can be very stressful for a parent, and we are glad the ambulance recommended us. This would’ve saved you travel time and waiting time at the hospital.

Hope everything is going well now, and thank you again for giving us your feedback, your time is very appreciated.

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