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"Map to get to Springfield Office "

About: West Moreton-Oxley Medicare Local (Office)

(as a service user),

As an Ipswich health profssional and resident I am yet again concerned about the Brisbane centric orietation of WMOML.

To me the WMOML directions and map seem to assume that everyone is coming to the office from Brisbane not Ipswich.

This may appear "picky" but if you are truly representing the whole area you need to consider where people may be coming from to visit your Springfield Office

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Response from Glenda Chaille, Primary Health Care Liaison Officer, Service Integration Team, West Moreton-Oxley Medicare Local 12 years ago
Glenda Chaille
Primary Health Care Liaison Officer, Service Integration Team,
West Moreton-Oxley Medicare Local

I support health services to encourage their patients to engage with Patient Opinion

Submitted on 13/12/2012 at 12:21 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 2:21 PM

Dear SB,

Thanks so much for your feedback concerning directions to the Springfield Office from Ipswich.

I have spoken to our marketing team and they have advised me that WMOML is currently in the process of creating a new WMOML website. They wanted me to pass on their appreciation for this input and have assured me that this information will be taken into account in the creation of the new website which should be up and running by early 2013.

Please don't feel that this is "picky" as enabling people to find us easily is of utmost importance to us.

Thanks so much for your interest and effort.

Kindest regards,

Glenda Chaille

Quality Improvement Manager

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