I work for RichmondPRA, an organisation that is dedicated to helping people with mental health problems to be a part of the community. We have utilized Murrumbidgee Medicare Local's Rural Primary Health Service quite a lot. Sarah and Libby from this service have made quite an impact on our organisation and our clients. We have clients with different problems, not just mental health, and so sometimes we come across a problems that we are unable solve and when we do hit a brick wall so to speak, Sarah and Libby have been able to come up with solutions that are very beneficial to our clients. Sarah has also assisted us with applying for grants and programs. Whenever we ask for their assistance they are always there to help. They use their bigger networking area to help us and our clients out. I remember last Christmas they helped get one of our clients access to a donation, by putting her in touch with the right people so that she would have some money over Christmas.
I think we would suffer without them around as they provide such valuable help and support for us and our clients. We are so grateful for their support.
"Support from rural primary health nurses to our mental health organisation"
About: Healthy Lifestyle Program (Murrumbidgee Medicare Local) Healthy Lifestyle Program (Murrumbidgee Medicare Local) Murrumbidgee Medicare Local area 2650 Murrumbidgee Medicare Local Murrumbidgee Medicare Local Wagga Wagga 2650
Posted by Von (as ),
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