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"Sexual Health talk to students"

About: Healthy Lifestyle Program (Murrumbidgee Medicare Local) Murrumbidgee Medicare Local

(as a service user),

Jean Woods a Primary Health Care Nurse from Murrumbidgee Medicare Local came to Hay War Memorial High School. Jean seemed to have a great rapport with students and discussed issues regarding Sexual Health in an informative but enteratining fashion.

Students and Staff and HWMHS would like to thank you very much.

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Response from Cate Creswick, Executive Officer, Murrumbidgee Medicare Local 12 years ago
Cate Creswick
Executive Officer,
Murrumbidgee Medicare Local
Submitted on 22/10/2012 at 11:34 AM
Published on Care Opinion at 12:03 PM

Thank you for your lovely feedback, we appreciate the time taken to comment on our services. We believe these talks to students are an important way to empower young people with information regarding sexual health. Your comments have been passed onto Jean.

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